The Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA) is a friendly group welcoming to every family in the College.

The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) is the perfect platform for parents/carers to get together in a relaxed environment and discuss ways in which as a group can enhance the needs of the students and support the teachers. It is also a great opportunity to meet and connect with other parents and carers.

By joining the PFA, you would be involved in some fundraising activities and assist at special events. Volunteers also staff the second-hand uniform shop. Proceeds from the uniform shop and fundraising efforts go towards gifts/prizes at the Year 12 Valedictory Dinner and Presentation evening as well as towards additional resources to support the students’ education. Just recently, we were able to assist in the funding of new gym equipment, books and 3D printers amongst other items.

Meetings are open to all to attend and are conducted in accordance with democratic procedures that enable the participation of all interested parents/carers in the school community. There is interaction with the Principal team, teaching staff and the School Council. There is no joining fee and you may contribute as much or as little of your time.

If you would like to learn more, please contact the PFA.

2024 Office bearers

President: Sharon Wright
Vice President: Jackie Jarman
Secretary: Linda McIntyre
Treasurer: Kay De Silva

Committee members

All parents are welcome to attend to be part of the committee. The focus is on ways in which parents can support programs and major events at the school.


The PFA constitution was amended in 2023.


The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 25 February at 6.30pm.
The 2025 schedule of meetings (held in person or online) will be available soon.

Second-Hand Uniform Shop

The PFA runs the on campus Second-Hand uniform shop. It is opens twice a week during term time:
Tuesday afternoon: 2.45pm – 3.45pm
Friday morning : 8.15am – 9.15am
Donating or selling items? Complete this form and hand-in with your items.
Enquiries to

Contact the PFA

Want to know more or get involved? Email
Second-hand uniform shop enquiries to